Project Based Learning on the Ceremonious State of war


Designed by Eric LaPorta



This page was designed to assistance integrate a projection based learning lesson plan for education the Civil War into the classroom. Project based learning is a valuable tool for teachers to apply in their classroom. Information technology engages their students and allows them to take control over their own didactics, rather than being forced to learn from the teacher. Integrating engineering into a teachers lesson, which this project based learning unit aims to exercise, focuses the students and allows those who learn through sound, visual or easily on experiences to explore their learning. Past placing students into minor groups, they can work together, interact and revise work without the feeling of being under a microscope.

This unit plan is developed to test the Civil State of war and the causes leading to war. These lessons were developed for an 11th grade American History class with twenty-30 students in them with 50 minute long classes. The class is a full year course for high school juniors starting off with colonization and ending with gimmicky issues. Throughout the year, emphasis will exist placed on changes occurring throughout the country leading to a carve up among northerners and southerners.

Learning Assessments

Building off the idea of divide and modify occurring throughout the state, I will begin a new unit on the Civil War and its precedence. These projects are designed to become students to research the material in their ain way, finding means to explore their ain creative personal knowledge building strengths.

The students volition exist assessed primarily through their end products. The instructor should however roam the class ensuring the students are understanding the thought of the unit, the questions needing to be answered, and how to go nearly doing this. The instructor should non detect the answers for the students, withal they should point the students in the right management if they are struggling finding data or understanding what they are finding. The students, primarily their other grouping members should be the facilitators and educators. The idea of this unit is to have students gain cognition and answer questions from one another.

Performance Objectives

  • The learner volition understand a variety of causes, from a northerner and southerner perspective, of secession, and their subsequent effects.
  • The learner will be able to draw these crusade and effects in a presentation.
  • The student will understand various aspects of southern life trying to be upheld, leading to secession.
  • The student will empathise the various reasons the due south had for seceding and understand these reasons engagement back many years.
  • The pupil volition be able to identify who was the get-go to secede? Who else followed and when?
  • The educatee will be able to explicate if there was a war right away, or if political activity was taken to avoid war.
  • At the end of the lesson(southward), the student volition have a ameliorate understanding of the war to come and place key points of contention.
  • The student will exist able to outline battles, important events etc on a timeline.
  • Students will be able to identify of import people, technological advances and medical advances from the state of war and depict why.
  • At the end of the unit of measurement, the learners volition take better advice, research and team building skills.

Essential Questions

  • What were the primary causes of secession from a southern perspective? A northern perspective?
  • What were the major battles of the war?
  • What were the major events (non battle) of the war?
  • Who were the most important people of the war both n and southward?
  • What advances in medicine and technology took place? How did these change the war?
  • How did Lincoln try to re-unite the union during the war? After?
  • What resulted from the war? Specifically, who won, and what results came from this in the long term (10 years after the war ended)?

Learning Standards

New York Land Learning Standards Social Studies Standards

  • Standard ane: History of the The states and New York- Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments and turning points in the history of the United states of america and New York
    • i.1, ane.2, 1.3, one.four
  • Standard 3: Geography- Students will utilise a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent earth in which we live - local, national, and global - including the distribution

of people, places, and environments over the Earth's surface.

    • iii.1
  • Standard four: Economic science- Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how the United States and other societies develop economic systems and associated institutions to allocate scarce resources, how major decision-making units role in the United States and other national economies, and how an economy solves the scarcity trouble through marketplace and nonmarket mechanisms.
    • 4.1
  • Standard 5: Civics, Citizenship and Regime- Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their agreement of the necessity for establishing governments; the governmental system of the United States and other nations; the U.s. Constitution; the basic civic values of American ramble democracy; and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship, including avenues of participation.
    • v.1, 5.2, 5.iii

Unit of measurement one: Causes of the Ceremonious State of war

the raid at Harper's Ferry

Overview of this learning project

The objective of this unit is to give the students a full, multiperspective view of the causes of the Ceremonious War. What reasons did the south accept for seceding from the Union? Did the northward do annihilation to alienate these reasons, was the south left with no other pick? These are the types of questions the students need to inquire themselves while researching the causes of the Civil War. These searches should non be express to secondary texts, but should include soldier perspectives, diary entries and messages from southern and northern viewpoints. The point of the unit of measurement is non but to understand why the war started, but to understand what the north and south were fighting for, and to sympathize reasons why the state of war unfolded as it did. This unit will set up the next unit, which volition exist an in-depth look at the war itself, the people and the advances made. This unit of measurement should provide students with sufficient background knowledge to research the war.

Rationale for this unit

In previous classes, we have covered the political, social and economical splitting of northern and southern ideologies. In this lesson, the students volition examine the problems that brewed throughout the country and how these numerous bug caused a civil war. Students will examine the social, political, economical and concrete issues that created tensions between the n and the south. Students will exist split into groups in order to research and evaluate an individual cause, going deeply into the problems roots and implications for the country. This 5 day lesson programme will help students understand and analyze the causes of the Civil State of war, catastrophe with each group presenting their findings. This lesson addresses New York Land standards one, 3, 4, and five while also addressing numerous Common Core standards requirements.

Unit two: The Ceremonious State of war


Overview of this learning project

The reason this projection is existence implemented is to become students to investigate the various changes and major events that occurred during the Ceremonious State of war throughout the country. The other reason for this project is to go students to think differently than they are accustomed to. Ane major part of this project is to investigate the unlike perspectives and reactions to events that occurred during the war. Apparently, a soldier in the due south is going to react differently than a soldier in the due north. The signal of the projection is for the students to uncover these differences through primary sources and inquiry. They will only investigate 1 perspective, however another grouping will research the same result from a different perspective. Therefore, by the end of the project, the students will have a full view near the events that unfolded during the five year span.During this unit, like the terminal unit of measurement, the point is for the student to learn about the war from multiple perspectives, not to just summarize the events that occurred. That is a necessary element of the projection, just it is also to uncover the changes of the war and their impacts also equally the perspectives of major events.

Rationale for Unit ii

After examining the numerous causes of the Civil War and their implications on the country, the students will no split into different groups in order to examine the different perspectives of the war within each twelvemonth information technology was fought. Students will either research their year from a northerner'due south perspective or a southerner'southward perspective weighing each argument based upon what they are reporting and what is going on in context to the land at that time. At the finish of their enquiry, each group will over again nowadays their findings to the grade, as well as hand in a "paper" describing and analyzing all the events that occurred that year of the Ceremonious War and their corresponding perspective. Students will research primary and secondary sources to gain insight into the reactions of events that occurred in the north and south during the war. Students will also examine technological, medical, military machine, and other changes of life that may accept effected the war in some fashion. By doing this, students will have an idea of the mentality of each side during each year of the war as well have a greater understanding of the events that unfolded. At the end of all presentations, the teacher will compile all the newspapers together creating a study guide for students that addresses all aspects of the war. This lesson addresses New York State standards 1, 3, 4, 5 and numerous Common Core standards requirements.