
If I Review a Product for Free Do I Have to Disclose

Editor's Notation: For whatever questions regarding the law, delight consult an attorney.

Customer testimonials are great for your business concern. They build customer trust, create goodwill for your production, and show potential customers a positive make history. But there are some things you need to watch out for when using them. Endorsements and testimonials are governed by truth-in-advertising laws.

Get-go, we'll accept a wait at the effectiveness of testimonials, and and then we'll go over four key legal tips for using them correctly.

Effectiveness of Reviews and Testimonials

Let's examine whether testimonials are really useful. It seems near cocky-explanatory that when choosing between two similar providers, the one with first-class reviews and numerous testimonials would announced to be the meliorate choice. But merely how persuasive are reviews?

Quite a bit, it seems. Over 70% of customers expect at product reviews before purchasing, and a survey sponsored by Zendesk constitute that 90% of participants were influenced in their buying decisions past positive reviews, which is huge. Take a look at the graph beneath:


If your business organisation can capitalize on positive customer testimonials and reviews, that will almost certainly influence the buying decisions of your customers. The primary reason is testimonials build trust. They show that your business concern is proficient at what it does and that your production does what you say it will. Testimonials also go a long mode toward showing a history of good service, which is extremely important to most customers. They want to know that y'all're not just a wink in the pan.

Testimonials should be authentic and not "salesy" so that they stand out as unbiased and genuine accounts of how happy your customers were with what you provided. Sincere and high-quality testimonials non only help to overcome the doubts of skeptics about your product, they even become a long mode toward changing the minds of prospects who aren't sure about the legitimacy of your production.

The reason for this is chosen "social proof," which is likewise known as social influence. Social proof is substantially the ability of the oversupply. If a person is unsure of something (similar a product or a business) merely everyone else seems to love it, that person is more than likely to requite it a chance.

But in that location are specific rules that you need to follow if you are using testimonials or endorsements. The constabulary says that they must be truthful and not misleading.

Let's have a look.

1. Disembalm Your Relationship with the Endorser

Yous must disclose whatever special relationships between you and your endorsers. For example, employees who promote your product must disembalm that they are your employees, and business owners must create a policy that states this. Within your business organisation, you should make certain you share this policy with employees, shareholders, and investors.

1 manner that endorsers can disclose their connections is to include tags or hashtags on social media promotions. For example, have a look at this tweet near Nutella from Brooke Burke-Charvet:


You lot can see that at the end of her tweet, she uses the #advertizement hashtag. This shows that she is promoting Nutella every bit an advertisement, and that she is beingness paid to promote it.

Every bit another case, Amazon requires that all Amazon Associates (business owners and bloggers who earn referral fees by placing links to products for sale on on their own websites) must disembalm that they are an Amazon affiliate and that they are paid when users purchase a product from their promotion.

You lot can be held liable for failing to disclose textile connections with your endorsers.

All disclaimers and disclosures should exist in articulate, simple language so that viewers tin can't miss or misunderstand your bulletin. For example, utilize the #advertising tag or a curt statement similar "This product was sent to us for review purposes" or "This review was funded by [Company]."

2. Ensure That Testimonials Are Accurate

You need to make sure all testimonials are accurate. One of the primary rules of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is that endorsements must reflect the honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences of the endorser.

The FTC uses the following case to show how honesty most products should be conveyed:

"An advertizing for a weight-loss product features a formerly obese woman. She says in the advertizement, 'Every day, I drank 2 WeightAway shakes, ate only raw vegetables, and exercised vigorously for six hours at the gym. By the cease of six months, I had gone from 250 pounds to 140 pounds.' … Considering the endorser clearly describes the express and truly infrequent circumstances under which she achieved her results, the ad is not probable to convey that consumers who weigh substantially less or utilise WeightAway under less farthermost circumstances will lose 110 pounds in half-dozen months.

"If the advertisement simply said that the endorser lost 110 pounds in vi months using WeightAway together with nutrition and exercise, however, this description would non adequately alert consumers to the truly remarkable circumstances leading to her weight loss."

The other aspect of this (also illustrated by the above example from the FTC) is that endorsements must reflect typical experiences; and if the experience is not typical, it should exist disclosed in an piece of cake-to-spot disclaimer. Here's an example of what this blazon of disclaimer would wait like:


You lot can exist held liable for false or unsubstantiated statements made through endorsements.

3. Become Written Permission from Your Customers

Be sure to keep a paper trail of whatever endorsement agreements or arrangements that you set up. If a customer agrees to endorse your product, get their understanding in writing (an e-mail is sufficient).

This protects yous in instance a client later wants to retract their testimonial. If they've agreed in writing that you tin employ their testimonial for a set period of time, you lot won't have to remove their testimonial until the contract ends.

You can include clauses in your Terms of Service or Privacy Policy that any user reviews submitted to your website can be used for marketing purposes.

iv. Don't Elevator Testimonials from Review Websites

If you lot come across a good testimonial for your production on another site, don't just copy and paste it onto your ain website. Most review sites have a clause in their Terms of Service stating that user-generated content (such every bit reviews or testimonials) is owned by the user and licensed to the website.

This means that if y'all re-create and paste the testimonial, you are infringing on the intellectual property rights of the person who wrote the review, which is not the best fashion to treat people who love your product!

Instead, you lot can employ links on your website that go to these review sites, or y'all can use plug-ins that connect to crowdsourcing review websites like Yelp. If you want to have reviews easily available on your own site, use resource such as BazaarVoice.

Curious about the new GDPR laws? Check out this video:


Remember that y'all can be held liable for false or unsubstantiated statements made through endorsements and for failing to disclose cloth connections with your endorsers.

It'south not hard to follow the FTC's guidelines. Simply ensure that all testimonials are honest and that they accurately represent the production. Also, ensure that yous and your endorsers disclose all affiliations and any payments that are existence fabricated for the testimonial. Past post-obit these rules, you tin can do good from the apply of testimonials without being subjected to investigations or penalties from the FTC.

Near the Author: Leah Hamilton is a qualified Solicitor and writer working at TermsFeed, where businesses can create legal agreements in minutes using the Generator.

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